- The article discusses how to delete comment lines when combining receipts on a single invoice in Dynamics 365.
- To invoice multiple purchase receipts at once, users can select multiple receipt lines on the purchase invoice.
- Before creating a combined purchase receipt, multiple receipts from the same vendor in the same currency must be posted but not invoiced.
- Users can choose the Get Receipt Lines action on the Purchase Invoices page to include multiple receipt lines in the invoice.
- If an incorrect receipt line is selected, users can delete the lines on the purchase invoice and use the Get Receipt Lines function again.
- The system automatically generates a comment line indicating the source document after getting the receipt lines.
- The standard code logic for this process is found in table 121 "Purch. Rcpt. Line" -> procedure InsertInvLineFromRcptLine.
- To skip this processing and customization is required, as shown in the test code provided in the article.
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