- The article discusses how to hide all comment lines in the Standard Sales
- Order Confirmation report in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
- It explains that customers may not want to see comments in printed orders and offers a solution for hiding comment lines.
- The customization process involves adding a field on the request page to control whether to print comments and adding logic to the Line dataitem triggers.
- The article provides a simple two-step process for implementing the customization.
- It includes a test video and encourages readers to give the solution a try.
- The method can also be applied to other reports that use Line as a Dataitem, such as the Standard Sales
- Invoice report.
- The article mentions the release of Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 wave 1 and its report extensibility features.
- Additional topics covered include changing default options on request pages, adding media data types to reports, and report extensibility in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
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