- The article discusses the use of funds and max setup in Pricing Management to put limits on the usage of discounts.
- Funds allow for the allocation of a budget to one or several discounts, ensuring that the discounts are limited to the allocated budget.
- To set up funds, go to Pricing Management > Fund control > Funds and create a fund with the fund type set up to Discount.
- The fund value type setup to Amount applies to all Pricing Management discounts, while the quantity value is for Free Item only.
- By creating a sales order for an eligible discount linked to a fund, the fund budget calculation is triggered.
- The Funded sales transactions feature allows you to view the list of transactions linked to any fund under Pricing Management > Fund control > Funded sales transactions.
- The max criteria type is another feature discussed in the article, which allows for limiting the usage of discounts based on quantity or amount.
- By setting a max amount on a discount, the discount will be applied up to the specified maximum amount, even if the calculated discount is higher.
- The use of funds and max criteria type in Pricing Management can be helpful in capping and controlling discounts.
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