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Dynamics 365 CRM - Development


Oct 4, 2023

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AI Summary

  • The article discusses the use of the xMultiple feature in the CRM / CDS Destination Component to improve performance in Microsoft business applications like Dynamics 365.
  • The author experimented with different batch sizes and user multiplexing settings to observe the impact on performance.
  • They initially set the batch size to 100 and encountered a service throttling error, resulting in a longer processing time of approximately 17 minutes and 45 seconds.
  • They then decreased the batch size to 50 and enabled user multiplexing with 5 application users. This time, there was no throttling warning and the processing time reduced to around 10 minutes and 42 seconds.
  • The author further explored the performance improvements for a custom table, creating 20,000 records with user multiplexing, a batch size of 10, and 20 threads. The processing time was approximately 3 minutes and 4 seconds.
  • They increased the batch size to 100 and observed a reduced processing time of 1 minute and 6 seconds.
  • The batch size was further increased to 500, resulting in a processing time of around 42 seconds.
  • Finally, with a batch size of 1000, the processing time increased slightly to 1 minute and 4 seconds.
  • The article concludes that for standard tables, sticking with a batch size of 10, thread count of 10-20, and increasing the number of users (multiplexing) can lead to performance improvements. However, for custom tables, increasing the batch size to either 100 or 500 along with multiplexing can be beneficial.

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