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Dynamics 365 Business Central


Jul 7, 2024

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  • A BLOB (Binary Large OBject) is a complex data type used to store large binary data such as images, documents, or other types of large files.
  • When a Blob field has Subtype = Bitmap, you can upload images directly and view them as small thumbnails.
  • To delete a Blob image, you can build a custom action to handle this function.
  • Copying content from one Blob to another can be done by reading from the origin with Instream, writing to the destination with OutStream, and using CopyStream to copy the data.
  • Downloading the contents of a Blob field can be achieved through the "DownloadFromStream" function, saving the downloaded content in the "Downloads" folder with the correct extension.
  • Temporary Blobs can be used to hold data temporarily when a Blob field is not available, typically used for tasks like sending custom emails with attachments.
  • To input text into a Blob, the ExtendedDatatype = RichContent can be used to input rich text, images, etc., saving the data in the item card and retrieving it with OnAfterGetRecord.
  • Microsoft recommends using Media or MediaSet data types over Blob for storing images due to advantages such as generating thumbnail versions of images, caching data on the client, and improved performance.

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