- The article discusses displaying the Work Description field in FactBox in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
- Work Description is a BLOB Data Type field that contains multiline text, often found on the Sales Order page.
- The value of the Work Description field can only be viewed on the Sales Order page, not on the Sales Order List page.
- FactBox is an area on the right side of a page used to display related content, including other pages, charts, and system parts like Notes and Links.
- Users cannot use the Notes feature instead of displaying Work Description in FactBox due to limitations in displaying all content and inability to print directly in a standard report.
- Customization is required to display the Work Description in FactBox, which involves creating a FactBox to display the Work Description and adding it to the relevant page.
- The article provides source code for creating a FactBox called "Sales Order Work Description" and includes considerations for FactBox performance.
- Performance considerations include loading content on the hosting page first, loading FactBoxes independently in sequence, and loading FactBoxes only when within view or expanded by the user.
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