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Dynamics 365 Business Central


Oct 14, 2024

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  • The article discusses how to save a report as an encoded text (Base64 String) via AL in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • Base64 is a binary to text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format, designed to carry data stored in binary format across channels.
  • Steps involved include saving the report as a PDF, converting the PDF to encoded text (Base64 String), and saving the converted text in a blob field.
  • A third-party tool called Base64 Guru can be used to check the success of the conversion.
  • The article provides code snippets and examples for adding a field on the Sales Order page to store the encoded text, as well as an action to print the current order and convert it into encoded text.
  • It also addresses potential errors and issues that may arise during the process, such as saving large text in a table and avoiding the use of the System-defined variable "Rec."
  • The article includes source code on Github for reference and testing purposes, offering a comprehensive guide on how to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Overall, the article serves as a practical and informative resource for developers working with Dynamics 365 Business Central and needing to convert reports to encoded text for API integration.

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