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Power Platform - General


Sep 4, 2024

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  • The article introduces the new Inline C# Action in Azure Logic Apps, allowing users to write .NET C# scripts within the Logic Apps designer in Azure Portal.
  • The Inline C# Script Code action is tailored to provide portal-only support for C# Script Files (.csx file) for management tasks, workflow automation, and handling C# scenarios directly in Azure Portal without local development environment configuration.
  • The C# code written in a .csx file is saved in the same folder as the workflow.json file and compiled during Logic App initialization for execution.
  • The action provides access to standard .NET assemblies, with support for referencing external assemblies using the #r "AssemblyName" directive.
  • Data can be accessed from workflow triggers using the GetTriggerResults method and from actions using the GetActionResults method.
  • An example workflow is provided where the action processes base64 representation of a ZIP file, uncompresses it, retrieves string content for each file, and creates Customer records in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • The C# script has limitations such as running for up to 10 minutes and having a maximum output size of 100MB.
  • Mixing code with low-code workflows can improve performance and enable complex operations in serverless workflows.

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