- Understand the segmentation of solutions for release in pipelines and use the solution name in the YAML file for creating a pipeline.
- Pre-requisites include having a DevOps account, creating a repository, setting up an application registration in the Azure portal, and creating API permissions and client secret.
- Create a new connection in DevOps for the Power Platform environment using the environment URL, tenant id, client id, and secret.
- Obtain the solution name from the Power Platform maker portal and set permissions for the S2S account in the Power Platform admin portal.
- Create a yaml file in the DevOps portal for the pipeline, connecting to the repository, and specifying the Power Platform environment and solution name.
- Update permissions in DevOps for the build service to test the pipeline successfully.
- After the pipeline run, compare differences in releases in the DevOps repo and import the artifact into another environment.
- Create an automated release pipeline in DevOps using the artifact from the build pipeline, adding stages and tasks for a working release pipeline.
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