- Azure Key Vault is a cloud service that securely stores secrets, such as Tenant ID, Client ID, and Secret values for access to Service Principals.
- The article is part of the Power Automate and Power BI Rest API series.
- The first step is to create an Azure Key Vault by navigating to https://portal.azure.com, selecting Key Vaults, and creating a new vault with a chosen name, region, and pricing tier.
- Key vaults do incur costs and require an active subscription.
- After creating the key vault, role assignments should be added to grant permissions for managing secrets.
- By selecting a role like Key Vault Secrets Officer, users can read and write secrets in the vault.
- To add secrets, users can navigate to the Secrets section, generate/import secrets, and store values like Client ID, Secret, and Tenant ID securely.
- Users can now utilize the key vault to store and manage secrets for various Power BI actions.
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