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Dynamics 365 Project Operations


Oct 22, 2022

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  • The September 2022 update for Dynamics 365 Project Operations introduced the long-awaited feature for revising quotes.
  • The quote revision feature needs to be turned on from the feature control under Parameters, and once enabled, it cannot be turned off.
  • A new quote has a status of draft and needs to be activated before it can be closed as won or lost. Only quotes with a status of draft can be edited.
  • When a quote is activated, it becomes read-only and its status changes to active. The Revise, Close as won, and Close as Lost buttons become visible in the command bar.
  • Clicking on the revise button might result in an error if the original quote has a quote line associated with a project. This is because the quote revision feature creates a copy of the existing quote with all its related quote lines, and a single project cannot be associated with multiple quotes with the same transaction class flag values.
  • To resolve the error, the project should be removed from the project lookup of the quote line. This action changes the status of the quote to closed with a status reason of revised.
  • Despite the quote being closed, the revise button can now be used without producing an error. Clicking on it revises the quote, changing the revision ID column's value from 0 to 1 and the status to draft.
  • The quote revision feature creates a new copy of the quote and leaves the original version in Dataverse as closed.

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