- Microsoft has launched "Power for HR," a suite of Enterprise Application Templates on the Power Platform.
- The templates included in "Power for HR" are Employee Kudos, Employee Awards & Recognitions, and Employee Onboarding Buddy.
- "Power for HR" enables peer-to-peer recognition, employee and manager nominations for special awards, and efficient onboarding and training.
- Microsoft plans to expand the suite with additional solutions, including an "Employee Onboarding Hub," "IT Procurement & Asset Management," and "Conference Room Reservations."
- These solutions aim to streamline the onboarding process, enhance asset management, and optimize room booking processes.
- All additional solutions are scheduled for release before the end of the year.
- The initiative aims to provide organizations with powerful tools for enhanced efficiency and productivity.
- Overall, "Power for HR" revolutionizes organizations by harnessing the potential of Low Code and the Power Platform.
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