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Dynamics 365 Finance


Feb 22, 2025

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  • The article discusses creating Power FX fields to display the amount of assets and currency for each movement in a portfolio.
  • The asset quantity amount is determined based on the movement type, with adjustments, buys, and sells affecting the symbol entered by the user.
  • The currency amount is calculated based on the movement type, with adjustments, cash deposits, cash withdrawals, buys, sells, dividends, and expenses influencing the decimal amount.
  • Total currency amount logic follows a similar pattern to asset quantity, with the additional step of converting the currency to decimal format.
  • Movements that do not require a quantity field are hidden when the movement type is not buy, sell, or adjustment.
  • The process concludes with saving and activating the changes made.
  • Future posts will involve creating an entity related to the Portfolio table to track each asset type and its total amount based on the aggregated fields created.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of accurately calculating and displaying total assets in a portfolio using appropriate symbols and decimal formats.

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