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Dynamics 365 Finance


Jan 26, 2024

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  • This article outlines the steps to be taken to create and acquire a fixed asset within the Dynamics 365 platform.
  • The process includes configuring fixed asset parameters, creating a purchase order, confirming the order, receiving the purchase, posting the vendor invoice, and verifying the fixed asset details.
  • To set fixed asset parameters, go to the Fixed assets module and select Setup > Fixed assets parameters. Then, expand the Purchase orders FastTab and set the necessary fields to enable asset acquisition from purchasing and asset creation during product receipt or invoice posting.
  • To create a purchase order for a fixed asset, go to the Accounts payable module and select Purchase orders > All purchase orders. Fill in the required fields and navigate to the Line details FastTab. Expand it if necessary and select the Fixed assets tab. Set the New fixed asset? field to Yes and select or enter the Fixed asset group.
  • To confirm the purchase order, select the Purchase tab in the action pane, go to the Actions section, and select Confirm.
  • To confirm receipt of the purchase order, select the Receive tab in the action pane, go to the Generate section, and select Product receipt. Enter the receipt number and select OK. Verify the fixed asset number field in the Line details FastTab.
  • To post the vendor invoice, select the Invoice tab in the action pane, go to the Generate section, and select Invoice. Update the match status of the purchase order to Passed, enter the invoice number and date, and select Save and Post.
  • To check the fixed asset, go to the Fixed assets module and select Fixed asset. Locate and select the fixed asset number created through the purchase order. Navigate to Book > Transactions to view the acquisition entry and close the view and page.

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