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Dynamics 365 ERP - Development


Oct 25, 2024

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  • The article discusses creating a class in X++ for Microsoft Dynamics 365 that allows for dynamically updating or inserting records into specified tables using a map of values.
  • The OTS_TableDataHandler class is introduced, which can accept a generic table, take a map of values with field names and associated values, and update an existing record or insert a new one based on a key field.
  • The class is particularly useful when working with data from external sources where the data structure can vary, such as web services or import files.
  • Key elements of the code include verifying the key field presence, retrieving existing records, iterating through fields for updates or inserts, and saving records using transaction blocks.
  • The convertToFieldType method is used to convert values to the appropriate field types based on the field's base type.
  • The class provides dynamic field handling, type safety, error handling for nonexistent fields, and transaction usage for data integrity.
  • An example of using the OTS_TableDataHandler class is provided, showcasing how to instantiate the class, create a map with new values, specify the key field, and operate on a table.
  • The benefits of this approach include reusability, flexibility with data types, and efficiency in updating or inserting records without redundant code.

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