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Dynamics 365 ERP - Development


Dec 2, 2024

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  • The article provides a detailed guide on how to develop reports that present monthly data aggregated by day in Dynamics 365.
  • The author demonstrates how users can select a specific month of the year and generate a CSV report showing the total vendor invoiced amount for each day.
  • The methodology involves creating user input parameters for the month and year, as well as transforming the month from an enum to an integer using a calculated field.
  • To determine the first and last days of a given month, the author uses complex formulas to calculate the dates accurately.
  • The article also covers filtering table records for VendInvoiceJour by date and testing the mapping before completion.
  • A format of type Text is created to display a list of records for each day in the month, with fields for each date.
  • Grouping the invoices by day and aggregating the amounts is done using a Group By function in the mapping.
  • Finally, the corresponding invoice records for each date are found in the $InvoicesGrouped record to display the aggregated amounts accurately.

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