- The article discusses the requirement of exporting CustInvoiceTrans records along with the related header and lines charges.
- The author explains the complexity of the model mapping and the need to filter the CustInvoiceTrans records.
- The ALLItemsQuery function is used to retrieve all the MarkupTrans records related to the filtered CustInvoiceTrans.
- For the CustInvoiceJour related charges, the author uses the ALLItemsQuery function to retrieve the related CustInvoiceJour records and the ListDistinct function to remove duplicates.
- The author then retrieves the related MarkupTrans records for the CustInvoiceJour and saves them in a new Calculated Field.
- The ListJoin function is used to combine the MarkupTrans record lists for the header and lines charges.
- The article briefly explains the process of creating an Excel template and mapping the template named ranges to the model.
- The author concludes by highlighting the use of functions like ALLItemsQuery, ListDistinct, and ListJoin to structure data and make it compatible with the desired format for export or import.
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