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Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional


Aug 28, 2023

Published date


Article Type

AI Summary

  • The article discusses how to rename the Search Customer and Search Issue labels in the conversation form of Microsoft business applications like Dynamics 365.
  • To customize these labels, the article suggests searching for and opening the corresponding RESX Web Resource using the search term "CustomerSummaryLabels.1033".
  • Once the content of the Web Resource is opened, the article advises updating the value property of the labels according to the desired changes.
  • The article provides an example of changing the label "To" from "Before" to "To" as an illustration of the customization process.
  • After making the necessary changes, the article recommends uploading and publishing the customized Web Resource.
  • Upon completing the customization and publishing process, the article mentions that the updated labels will be visible in the conversation form.
  • The article concludes by expressing hope that the provided information and instructions are helpful for readers.
  • The article also includes a section for advertisements and options to share it through various channels.

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