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Dynamics 365 CRM - Development


Feb 12, 2023

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  • The article titled "Appending ribbondebug=true to the record's URL adds the new Command checker button in the command bar, which could help us in troubleshooting any unexpected behavior with ribbon" discusses the use of the Command checker button in Dynamics 365 Model-driven apps for troubleshooting ribbon behavior.
  • The author mentions adding an enable rule to an existing button in the Customer Journey table, which involved calling a JavaScript web resource based on the user's security role.
  • Clicking on the Command checker button opens a window on the side pane where the desired button can be selected.
  • In the command properties tab of the Command checker, the author encountered an error related to a custom enable rule. Clicking on "View rule definition solution layers" provided more details, indicating that the rule was added as part of an unmanaged layer.
  • By clicking on the unmanaged layer, the author was able to access the definition of the enable rule.
  • It was discovered that the function referenced in the web resource was missing, and adding the function resolved the issue.
  • After fixing the error, the custom enable rule was evaluated correctly in the Command checker.
  • The article suggests referring to the Troubleshooting Guide for further assistance.

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