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Dynamics 365 CRM - Development


Oct 6, 2023

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AI Summary

  • The article titled "We might get the below error while performing the update operation" discusses a common error that occurs when updating records in Microsoft business applications like Dynamics 365.
  • The error can occur if the GUID of the record to be updated is not specified or if an Alternate Key is used to update the record and the KeyAttributes property is not specified.
  • The article suggests two possible solutions to resolve the error: either specify the Id property or specify the KeyAttributes property in the Entity's Constructor.
  • The author hopes that the provided information helps the readers in resolving the error.
  • The article includes various social media sharing buttons for readers to share the content via email, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Reddit, Telegram, Tumblr, Print, Pinterest, Mastodon, and to like and load related content.
  • The article is tagged with the category "Advertisements", indicating that it may contain promotional content.
  • The article does not provide any additional information about the specific Microsoft business applications or the steps to perform the update operation.
  • The article does not provide any author information or references to external sources.

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