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Dynamics 365 Business Central


Mar 28, 2024

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  • The article discusses the concept of intercompany transactions in Microsoft Business Central, which allows for the exchange of services and goods between companies without the need for duplicate transactions.
  • The first step in setting up intercompany transactions is to create intercompany partners, which represent the trading entities or offices in Business Central. These partners can be assigned to customers or vendors for purchasing and selling products or services.
  • Intercompany partners are set up in the Intercompany Setup page, where the default intercompany general journal template and batch can be defined.
  • Additional setup is required on the intercompany partner page for sales and purchase transactions, including setting up a customer and vendor and specifying the outbound sales item number type.
  • Starting from Business Central version 23, users can set up intercompany partners and transfer transactions across environments, allowing for intercompany transactions between different instances of Business Central.
  • Intercompany chart of accounts and dimensions must be set up to ensure that transactions sent by one company are received to the correct account by the other partner.
  • Intercompany item reference allows for the exchange of sales and purchases between companies using items in the document lines, with different methods available for referencing items.
  • Intercompany bank accounts are created to map bank accounts of the trading entities when posting intercompany payments, similar to the chart of accounts and dimensions.
  • Intercompany transactions can be created and sent through invoices, orders, and general journals, with the ability to review and accept or reject transactions in the intercompany inbox.

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