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Dynamics 365 Business Central


Oct 7, 2023

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  • The article provides exercises for importing data into Power BI, focusing on three scenarios: importing Excel data, importing PDF data, and importing CSV data.
  • In the first exercise, the scenario involves working for a retail company and importing sales data from an Excel spreadsheet into Power BI. The tasks include downloading the Excel file, opening Power BI Desktop, importing the data, and creating a table and line chart for analysis.
  • The second exercise involves working for Amazon and importing data from a PDF report into Power BI. The tasks include downloading the PDF report, opening Power BI Desktop, exploring options to extract the data correctly, and creating a table and bar chart for analysis.
  • The third exercise involves being an HR analyst and importing employee data from a CSV file into Power BI. The tasks include downloading the CSV employee data, opening Power BI Desktop, importing the data, and creating a table and scatter plot for HR analytics.
  • Each exercise provides a specific scenario, data download URL, and tasks to complete for importing and analyzing the data in Power BI.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of utilizing Power BI for data analysis and visualization in various business scenarios.
  • The provided URLs allow readers to access sample data for practicing the exercises.
  • The article is written in English and mentions the availability of a video tutorial for importing Excel data into Power BI in the Tamil language.

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