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Dynamics 365 Finance


May 7, 2024

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  • This article discusses a new feature in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Dynamics 365 Sales that extends the standard function of "Foreign currency revaluation" in the accounts payable and accounts receivable modules.
  • The feature allows users to set an alternative exchange rate based on the customer/vendor module configuration, instead of relying on the exchange rate set in the general ledger module.
  • The configuration process involves enabling the feature in the system administration, setting the exchange rate source in the accounts receivable parameters, and configuring customer groups if using them as criteria for the exchange rate.
  • The article provides a step-by-step process for testing and demonstrating the foreign currency revaluation using the alternative exchange rate.
  • It includes a data example showing the expected loss amount based on different exchange rates and showcases the posting and revaluation results.
  • The article also highlights key points to keep in mind during testing, such as ensuring the customer/vendor group used for the exchange rate is present in the master data and the limitations of the alternative exchange rate in revaluation simulation.
  • It mentions the need to change parameters for a reverse calculation using the "invoice date" revaluation method to consider the general ledger parameters.
  • The version used for testing is 10.39, and there may be future changes to consider.

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