Dynamics 365 ERP - General
Mar 28, 2024
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- The article discusses the importance of storing data properly and protecting controlled unclassified information (CUI) for companies working with the Department of Defense (DoD).
- Small
- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) often struggle to identify CUI in their environments and need to classify their data accurately.
- CUI is sensitive information that is not classified but should be controlled to prevent potential threats to national security.
- The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Information Security (OUSD I&S) provides policy guidance for the identification and protection of CUI through the CUI Registry.
- Examples of CUI in the DoD context include Defense Critical Infrastructure Information (DCRIT), export controlled information, and pre-decisional budget or policy information.
- Four questions can help organizations determine if they have CUI, including having a U.S. federal contract, contracts with the DFARS clause for CUI, contact with the organization's Contracting Officer Representative (COR), and being a subcontractor within the DoD supply chain.
- Prime contractors in the DIB are responsible for ensuring that subcontractors meet security requirements for handling CUI.
- The Defense Industrial Base (DIB) encompasses a network of organizations and facilities that provide materials, products, and services to the DoD, and it is important for these entities to identify and protect CUI.To learn more about our government security and compliance solutions, contact us.
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