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Dynamics 365 ERP - Development


Mar 31, 2022

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AI Summary

  • The article discusses the importance of early employee training in ERP projects, specifically focusing on Dynamics 365.
  • The author emphasizes that training should not be left as an afterthought and highlights the negative consequences of delaying training until just before go-live.
  • The IBI Learning Platform is introduced as a solution that allows employees to receive high-quality, online training for Dynamics 365 earlier than usual.
  • The author suggests that early training enables employees to dive deep into topics that impact their day-to-day jobs and helps them develop a comprehensive understanding of the out-of-the-box Dynamics 365 platform.
  • Traditional classroom training can be used closer to go-live to enhance employees' knowledge of Dynamics 365, teach company-specific business processes, and customized functionality.
  • The dual approach of using the IBI learning platform for initial training and classroom training for in-depth and company-specific content is seen as a recipe for success.
  • The article highlights the challenges of traditional classroom training, such as creating learning materials and scheduling difficulties, and suggests that the IBI Learning Platform offers a more flexible and efficient solution.
  • The overall message of the article is that early employee training with tools like the IBI Learning Platform can contribute to a successful Dynamics 365 rollout and achieve desired outcomes.

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