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Dynamics 365 ERP - Development


Jul 2, 2024

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  • The article discusses the option to open data available in a form in Excel within Microsoft Dynamics 365.
  • Users can view and manipulate data from a form in Excel by utilizing the functionality provided.
  • The process involves enabling a data entity to expose data through the OData feed and installing the Microsoft Dynamics 365 add-in on the local Excel application.
  • Only data accessible to the user will be visible and manipulable through the Excel add-in.
  • In certain scenarios, additional data entities may need to be added as options to the "Open in Excel" list.
  • To add a new data entity as an option, a class with an initializing handler method must be created.
  • The class should reference the Office library and the logic should be implemented to add or remove options from the list.
  • Finally, the changes need to be implemented in the form by subscribing the options initializer with the OnInitializing event.

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