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Dynamics 365 ERP - Development


Jul 28, 2024

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  • The article discusses various ways to export ER generated files, including to a local folder, a tab in a browser, an email, a SharePoint or Azure Storage archive, a printer, and Power BI.
  • The author details the process of exporting documents to OneDrive using the OneDrive API, which involves creating an app in Azure, setting permissions, and obtaining a Bearer token.
  • To connect to OneDrive from Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO), the user will need the Client ID of the app, the app's secret, the refresh token obtained from the API call, and the ID of the folder to export files to.
  • A connection table and form are created in D365FO with encrypted fields for storing the necessary OneDrive connection credentials.
  • The model is extended to include references to ElectronicReporting and ElectronicReportingCore, and the ER destinations form is extended to include fields for enabling the OneDrive destination, specifying the folder ID, and linking to the connection credentials.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of compiling after making the necessary extensions, noting that the new tab in the ER destinations form should appear, albeit without functionality at this stage.

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