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Dynamics 365 Customer Service


May 19, 2023

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AI Summary

  • Queues are containers used to store tasks or cases that require action or completion.
  • Queues are typically used to route cases or tasks to users or groups who need to complete an action on the record.
  • There are benefits to using queues, such as accountability, security, and business process automation.
  • Assigning tasks to a department without using queues would not allow for tracking of ownership and time spent on the task.
  • Queue items provide details of the queue, the record, and the date the record entered the queue.
  • Queues can be public or private, with private queues only visible to members.
  • Private queues should be used in conjunction with security roles, as the actual records within the queue will still be visible according to defined security roles.
  • Queues allow for business process automation and triggering of automation rules based on queue item creation or modification.

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