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Dynamics 365 CRM - Development


Oct 12, 2023

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AI Summary

  • The article titled "Recently while trying to register the plugin, we got the below error" discusses an error message encountered while attempting to register a plugin assembly in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
  • The error message states that plugin assembly fullnames must be unique, ignoring the version build and revision number.
  • The reason for the error was that the assembly being registered was already registered in the environment, instead of being updated.
  • The article provides a link to a helpful resource on the topic of plugin assembly fullnames needing to be unique.
  • The article also includes advertisements and social media sharing options.
  • The article does not provide any further context or details about the specific Dynamics 365 environment or the steps taken to resolve the issue.
  • The article ends with a "Share It" section, listing various platforms where the article can be shared.
  • Overall, the article addresses a specific error encountered during the registration of a plugin assembly and provides a link to additional resources for further assistance.

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