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Dynamics 365 Business Central


Apr 9, 2024

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AI Summary

  • The article discusses the necessity of database replication for Business Applications to ensure high availability, fault tolerance, and performance.
  • Business Central follows a "Read Scale Out" or "Leader/Follower or Master/Slave Replication Architecture" for database replication.
  • Business operations, such as creating data in the system, are quicker compared to analytical operations, such as reading data from multiple tables at once.
  • Performing both business and analytical operations on the same database can cause performance issues and data locking.
  • The solution is to use multiple copies of the database in a leader follower architecture, where write transactions are directed towards the leader database and read transactions can be forwarded to the leader or follower database.
  • Stale replicas, where a user reads from a follower database before the leader database updates it, are an accepted risk in this architecture.
  • According to the CAP Theorem, consistency, availability, and partition tolerance cannot all be guaranteed, and most systems choose between consistency and availability.
  • To leverage the "read scale out" method in Business Central, the DataAccessIntent property can be set to ReadOnly for API Pages and DataAccessIntent property can be set directly for Reports and Queries.

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