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Dynamics 365 Business Central


Oct 30, 2024

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  • The article discusses the introduction of Python in Excel by Microsoft a few months ago.
  • Users can now easily create Python code within Microsoft Excel by typing '=py' in a shell.
  • The integration of Python in Excel can be beneficial for users who work with Business Central as it allows for the export of reports to Excel and customization of layouts.
  • An example provided in the article demonstrates how to export "Vendor Ledger Entries" and "Customer Ledger Entries" to Excel and combine them in a graph using Python.
  • Users can access APIs from Business Central to add "Customer Ledger Entries" to the Excel report.
  • The article includes Python code snippets to create dataframes, manipulate data, and generate quarterly summaries.
  • Python scripts can be used to create graphs based on the data imported from Excel and APIs, providing a visual representation of the data.
  • The conclusion highlights the usefulness of Python in Excel for handling complex datasets and suggests that it may offer faster processing compared to tools like PowerQuery or Pivot tables.

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