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Dynamics 365 Business Central


Apr 15, 2023

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AI Summary

  • The article discusses changes in the verification code for a test example in the author's book on Microsoft business applications.
  • The 1st edition of the book included verification code using the FindRow method, which returned the row number for specific column values.
  • In the 2nd edition, the FindRow method did not work as expected, so the author used the AssertElementWithValueExists method instead.
  • However, attendees of the author's online course pointed out that the new verification code was not completely robust, as it did not check if the columns were in the same dataset row.
  • The author retested both solutions on their respective versions and found that the FindRow method actually returned the same row number for related columns, resulting in a delta of 0.
  • As a result, the author decided to revert back to the 1st edition version of the verification code, with the expected delta changed to 0.
  • The author updated all version-related branches on the GitHub repository and left the original lines of code as comments.
  • The issue with the FindRow method and its different results on different versions of Microsoft business applications has been resolved.

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